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North Auckland
Mico Plumbing Warkworth
Address: 9 Morrison Drive, Auckland
Phone: 09 422 2430
Sinks on Display: RJ10, Alazia 150B & R165
North Shore Auckland
Artisan Kitchens Glenfield
Address: 82 Ellice Road, Glenfield
Phone: 09 442 1965
Sinks on Display: PU5040GB, PS151L & Sudbury 1.0 (replaced with the Edington)
T Brothers Cabinetry Glenfield
Address: 7/7 Marken Place, Glenfield
Phone: 0225418361
Sink on Display: PU40R-GG
West Auckland
Novare Kitchens Henderson
Address: 8A Enterprise Drive, Henderson
Phone: 09 8352011
Sink on Display: PU5040GB
Central Auckland
Kitchen Mania West Auckland
Address: 2 Jomac Place, Avondale
Phone: 09 588 4045
Sink on Display: Yorkshire Ceramic